To everything, there is a season

That saying takes on a lot of meaning today.

Richard and I have had seven and a half seasons with Lark and it’s been hard for us to face, but Lark’s season has passed. We have spent so much money, time and emotional energy trying to keep Lark afloat the last few years, but it is time to close this season in our life and move on to a new one.

We want to thank all the staff and customers who have worked at and supported Lark and all the friends we have made over the years. We shared birthdays, anniversaries, first dates, date nights, engagements and wonderful evenings with you. It’s been an honor.

It’s ironic that we are holding a ribbon cutting today with Forward Janesville for the wine bar and newly configured Lark Market. We have added classes, catering, business gift services, and now a space for enjoying wine to the Market and have seen business grow. Sandwich Bar has also had a healthy year and we are building out its catering business and planning events for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and evening events for next year. The team at Sandwich Bar is knocking it out of the park and growing a loyal fan base. It is truly their season.

You can redeem any of your Lark gift certificates at both Sandwich Bar and Lark Market.

We’re looking forward to having more balance in our lives and rediscovering some of the passions like cooking, travel and music that have fallen by the wayside this year. We will still be at the Market and we hope you will come in and have a glass of wine with us to toast a new year that has a lot of promise.

Finally, we have a favor to ask of you. Please support our small downtown businesses by shopping local. Our downtown has made tremendous progress since we opened Lark in 2017, but that progress is fragile. Please shop and dine downtown this holiday season so these businesses can keep their doors open.

With gratitude,

Joan and Richard Neeno